Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Before Tuesday's adventure, Chase played on abcmouse and then Chase and Nanaw went downstairs to play with the Army guys. Tuesday's adventure was a new one -- going to the Missouri History Museum in Forest Park. Nanaw read about it online and saw that they were having a story time at 10:30 with a penguin story. When Nanaw and Chase got to the History Museum, they asked for directions and then they got tickets for what's called the History Clubhouse. The History Clubhouse is large area built specifically for children. It has all kinds of displays and history information geared to little children. Nanaw took Chase back to the story time area but he didn't want to go in. Nanaw sat down on one of the stools but chase walked out of the room and down the hall, back the way they'd come. So Nanaw got up and followed him. Just before he got to the entrance, he spotted a table filled with wooden toys -- buildings, cars, trees, and all kinds of things. He was fascinated with the toys and started playing with them. He had a grand time with the buildings and cars -- I told him that one of the buildings -- the purple one -- was the Met Square Building, which was Pawpaw's building. When Chase and Nanaw got home, he played with abcmouse again -- he has 380 tickets so he'll be able to get something really exciting.

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