Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Exciting day for Chase -- his first snow day! At 6 a.m. Wednesday morning, Mama got a robocall saying that Immaculate Conception School was closed. Mama very graciously brought Chase over to Nanaw's house rather than having Nanaw driving over to Chase's house in the snow. Mama brought all of chase's snow gear: his snow pants, snow boots, and extra clothes. Chase and Nanaw played downstairs for awhile before going outside to play in the snow. Nanaw took out big plastic spoons, buckets, Chase's wagon and a big box to use as a sled. Chase had a wonderful time outside. Nanaw gave him a snow shovel and he shoveled Nanaw's driveway a little bit and actually seemed to know what he was doing. His favorite thing was throwing snowballs at Nanaw. He would throw snow at her and then shout "Gotcha!" Very cute. He loved it when Nanaw did the same thing to him. From somewhere, he learned to make snow angels -- Nanaw took lots of pictures of him making snow angels. Of course, Chase didn't want to come in the house but Nanaw promised to make snow ice cream for him. She made chocolate snow ice cream, and Chase liked it a lot. Daddy came to pick Chase up in the afternoon, and Chase was happy that they were going to go outside and play in the snow.

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