Friday, December 28, 2018

Friday, December 28, 2018

Nanaw finally, finally got to spend a whole day with Chase and that made her very happy. They had lots of adventures and errands -- a very busy day. First, they went to UMSL to take turkey soup, a bag of newspapers and a baking pan to Uncle Mike. The campus was mostly closed and empty; Uncle Mike was the only one in the grounds crew there. After UMSL, they went to the Train House (Transportation Museum) for their last visit of the year to the train display. It was wonderful, as usual. Chase had popcorn, and Chase and Nanaw did the scavenger hunt again. After the Train House, they went home for lunch, then delivered Mama's turkey soup to her. They picked up the Hatchimals and a few more stuffed animals. Next, they went to the library where Chase got Mike and Ike candy from the "bending" machine and then to Walmart. Of course Chase wanted a toy at Walmart but Nanaw said he'd gotten almost a hundred toys for his birthday and Christmas (that's probably a bit of an exaggeration but not too much), and so he didn't need any toys. Surprisingly enough, Chase accepted this and didn't make a fuss. In the evening, Aunt Becca and Uncle Stan came to visit and have Christmas with Chase, Mama and Daddy and have Papa Murphy's pizza for dinner.

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