Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Chase brought a big bag of people but most of them didn't come out of the bag. However, one did -- the St. Bernard who reports to Santa Claus every night about Chase's behavior. Somehow he ended up in the midst of the Cars track. Nanaw took a picture of him and sent it to Mama. Nanaw also took a picture of the bird that's staying on the pillar on the porch. In the evening Nanaw went home to find him and brought him back for Chase. It was important that he make his report to Santa because St. Nick came Wednesday night. Nanaw sat in on Chase's play practice. They're getting better every day. But the first graders are still majorly rowdy. Nanaw doesn't know how teachers do it. After play practice, Chase had a soccer game. They played on other field, and the view was much better. Unfortunately, Chase's team didn't make any goals. But the point is for the boys to enjoy themselves, and they certainly do that. Chase's teacher called Mama in the evening to tell her that the first graders were having play practice after church on Thursday morning so she wouldn't need her wonderful volunteer -- that would be Nanaw.

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