Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Chase and Nanaw went to Powder Valley again today so that they could walk on the long trail. Nanaw took her walking stick that Pawpaw bought for her and gave Chase his stick from yesterday – which turned out to be a bad idea because somehow he scratched his face with it, close to his right eye. There were two school buses at Powder Valley and lots of school children that must have been there for a field trip. Chase and Nanaw went on the long trail and had a great time, just like yesterday. Chase seemed to enjoy climbing on the rocks that were on the side of the trail, saying "Big rocks!" They met lots of hikers on the way, and Chase always said "Hi" and gave everyone a big smile. Chase and Nanaw didn’t go into the Nature Center because Nanaw thought it would be really crowded with all the school children. In the afternoon, Uncle Mike came over to Nanaw’s house to cut the grass, and Chase seemed delighted to see him. He showed off for Uncle Mike, chattering and singing songs to him and running around the house and trying to get him to play trains. Mama came to pick up Chase, and she stayed and visited for awhile. While Chase was running around the house, he fell and hit his chin and scraped his arm. So Mama had a scraped up Chase to deliver to Daddy. Daddy had bought more train track for Chase, and Chase seemed very excited to have his track in the living room expanded. Mama sent Nanaw a photo of the expanded track.

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