Saturday, August 26, 2017

Saturday, August 26, 2017

On Saturday morning, Chase had a soccer event. They had ten-minute games with teams from other towns. Each team had six or seven players on it with four or five players on the field. Chase's team had Brady, Joey, and Audrey as the ones Nanaw knew. Chase seemed to have a lot of fun even though he's not an outstanding player like Brady. That's okay, as long as he enjoys it. Chase came home with Nanaw to spend the day because Daddy was golfing and Mama had another reunion get-together. Chase had lunch, and he and Nanaw watched part of Wall-E. Then Nanaw had Chase take a nap because he'd had a long week at kindergarten and soccer. He slept for almost three hours. When he got up, he and Nanaw watched the rest of Wall-E. Mama came to pick up Chase at about four. Nanaw sent the basketball set home with Chase so Daddy could put it together. Mama sent Nanaw a couple of pictures of the completed basketball set that Daddy had put together. Chase was very excited and happy about it. Daddy is going to put it in the back of his truck and take it to Nanaw's house, where it will live.


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