Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Chase and Nanaw stayed home on Tuesday but kept really busy doing all kinds of fun things. First they played in Chase's room with the Hot Wheels Ultimate Garage. Chase decided to invent a game of baseball with his Cars cars being the players and the garage being the Hot Wheels Baseball Stadium -- it was very cute. Next, Chase invented a new version of Checkers where the red pieces went on the red squares and the black pieces went on the black squares. Then you threw the dice to find out how far to move your pieces. The little fellow is a creative one. Chase's next activity was to get out his Thomas the Train book with the miniature trains and his Choo Choo Charlie train set (Nanaw bought it at an A.G. Edwards book sale when the older grandchildren were younger and she still had it for Chase to play with). He set them up on the dining room table to play with them. Somehow the play turned into a baseball game, with the trains being the players and marbles and plastic sticks being the bats and balls. What a kid! Chase also wrote his name for Nanaw -- she's having him write his name every day as practice for kindergarten. Nanaw sent Mama a picture of Max and Gidget who accidentally had a sleepover at Nanaw's last night. Chase's last activity of the day was playing with Play Dough. This time he made baseball players, bats and balls out of the Play Dough. Chase has a one-track mind and the one track is baseball.

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