Sunday, August 27, 2017

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Chase had an unexpected play date with Brady on Sunday due to an emergency in Brady's family. They played outside for a long while. They played soccer and used Chase's big red punching gloves. They also played with Chase's new basketball set, trying to do slam dunks. By the time Nanaw came to visit, Brady was gone. Dinner was delicious steaks and Mexican salad -- Yum. After dinner, Mama did sight words and the alphabet with Chase. Then, Mama, Chase and Nanaw took Sam for a bonus walk. Chase picked up pine cones, and then had Nanaw carry them and get pine sap all over her hands. When they got back from the walk, Chase went outside to play baseball with Daddy. Daddy has the day off on Monday so he's going to take Chase to school but Nanaw is going to pick him up. Mama sent Nanaw a text later in the evening about Chase reading the sentence "I see a dog," using his sight words and the word dog that Mama taught him. Mama and Nanaw are very excited about Chase reading. The first picture below is a pumpkin growing from the seeds Chase and his Mama planted.

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